Easter Chocolates

Chocolate Bunnies and Eggs

Just in! Our exclusive Spring Collection has arrived, a sure sign of sunnier skies and warmer weather. Order early, since we usually sell out of many or all of our specialty items, and this year has been our busiest yet!

All our chocolates are hand-made, with only the finest, freshest ingredients, and are individually molded with the utmost care and old-world expertise. The larger items are individually hand clear-wrapped as shown further below.

In addition to the photographed items (with more to come), we have many more in the shop, and will be having a continuously-evolving display in the front window of mouth-watering novelties, with names and prices, so you can see and choose exactly what you want.

Personal pickup is preferred by many of our customers because the fewest hands touch the packaging of your treasured treats. We love having the opportunity to see you, too!

How to order:

Make your selections from items in the photos above, and carefully note which items you want specifically, by name (if possible), milk or dark chocolate and the quantity. Our order form has an open text field for you to specify your specific choices. You can also email your request to sogood@belgianchocolateshop.ca or phone the shop at (416) 691-1424. Please make sure you include your name, phone number, and address so we can contact you when your order is ready.

After your order is placed and confirmed, you can even call us when you arrive outside, and we’ll bring your order right to your waiting hands, whether on the sidewalk or in your car. And we ship locally and globally, too, of course!

A couple of our bigger bunnies wrapped, bow-tied and ready to delight!